Developing a Water Profile of Neapolis, Crete, Greece
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Water management is imperative to the cultural, economical, and ecological stability of arid regions like the Mediterranean. In the south central Crete (Greece), aquifer levels have dropped nearly 40 meters in the past 10-15 years because of increases in water demand for agriculture. While many arid regions have failed to put specific management plans in place, the Municipality of NNeapolis on the island of Crete, Greece has partnered with Cornell University to proactively manage their limited water supplies.
The Neapolis Water Profile was one specific outcome of this partnership. It provides a ‘snapshot’ of the current status of water resources in the Municipality of Neapolis, Crete, Greece from the point of view of three graduate student researchers: a lawyer (Michael Bowes), a social scientist (Margaret Kurth), and an environmental engineer (Sheila Saia). It is their hope that the water profile, ‘be used to (1) develop an integrated water resources management plan for the region, (2) objectively analyze future improvements related to water resources conservation, and (3) encourage educational, legislative, and financial support for water conservation practices throughout the region and abroad.’
Tammo Steenhuis, Professor
Sheila Saia, Alum
Soil and Water Stability and Conservation in Ethiopia
Current research in Ethiopia pertains to managing food systems and poverty reduction strategies with the ultimate goal of improving the livelihood of poor farmers while promoting sustainable natural resource management principles.
Current research is mainly tailored to address acute water scarcity problems by designing and implementing effective soil and water conservation and water harvesting structures. These structures are based on the hydrology of watersheds and other socio economic & demographic factors. Another aspect of existing research includes enhancing rainfall productivity of degraded soils by improving macro-pore networks and associated soil physical properties by using biochar and deep-rooted biofuel crops. This work will enable storage of more rainfall water within the soil profile itself.
Field research methods include surface and subsurface water flow measurements, sediment sampling both from test plots and watershed outlets, interviewing farmers, satellite imagery and spatial modeling analysis, production of biochar from biomass obtained from farm resources (dung, trees and crop residue) and incorporation into test soil plots.